Sunday 7 April 2019


This is titled "Jokes", but first it is about money. Then it is about jokes. This will all make sense soon.

It starts when I was recently walking home from school with the twins, pictured here...
...And we somehow got into a long discussion where I attempted to explain a slightly higher level concept of money to them.

We were at the part where I explained how you get money from the bank, but they won't just give you ALL OF THE MONEY, only the money that you earned working for some government or business enterprise. So you can't just buy anything. Or more specifically, your dad can't just buy you everything so appreciate and take better care of your stuff you ungrateful jer...

But I digress.

R had a question.

"Is it dollars? Or do banks have sensors too?"

(He meant cents.)

"They have both", I nodded with some authority.

Then it was J's turn to ask a question.

"So the bank has lots of water in it then?"

"Uhh, what... what are you talking about?," I asked.

J did not respond, and appeared to sink back into the same daydream where he can listen to a ten-minute discussion on banking and ask about them being filled with water.

It was hours later when I realised where J's question came from.

Earlier in the week, they had put me on the spot for a joke and I had told them this one:

Where does a fish keep their money?
At the river bank.

And so this is how it made sense to ask whether a bank had a lot of water in it. Because five-year-olds do not really understand jokes. Or banks.

Here's the only other joke I've told the twins that they like and re-tell:

What is brown and sticky?
A stick.

I think their favourite joke is this one that combines two classic comedic tropes...

Why did the chicken cross the road?
To get to your house.
**knock knock**
Who's there? 
The chicken!

They also like to develop jokes, with mixed results. R is ok at it, this is probably his best effort...

Why did the dinosaur cross the road?
Because the chicken wasn't "invented" yet!

J finds the comedic process a bit more challenging... here was his attempt to work a dinsoaur and chicken into a punchline.

Why did the dinosaur eat the chicken?
Because he liked feathers.

I think my favourite attempted J joke attempt is this one. I think he was literally looking at objects around the house for joke-making inspiration at the time.

What do you call a washing machine with no buttons?

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